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Precautions for school transportation

Amira Fhmy

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We are in the preparation phase for the school reopening and we appreciate if you could share the precautions you have had  regarding school transportation.

What you did to respect social distancing?
What are the numbers of student inside the buses?

Appreciate if you could share all related steps and procedures  you applied Or willing to apply.

Thanks in advance,

Amira Fahmy
Assistante de Direction
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Hi Amira,

Thanks for the questions.  You will find a variety of resources on the recovery forum addressing these topics.  Specifically with Social Distancing and number of students varies depending on things such as local requirements, prevalence of the disease currently, school policies and procedures.  I would be happy to have a call with you to discuss in more detail.

We can do a Zoom call, just let me know when your available.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Amira

I've recently joined and just picked up on your question.   Kevin is correct, social distancing requirements with respect to vehicle capacity will depend on local and government requirements.  For example in Dubai there is requirement to reduce the total capacity of any vehicle to 30%.  Other countries capacity reduction is not required, however operators must carry our risk assessments to put procedures in place which will mitigate interaction amongst passengers with other passengers and the driver.  In Singapore all passengers must wear masks, sanitisation protocols are in place for vehicles, and seating allocations for all passengers, arranged in order of stops.  In the UK, again, capacity reduction is not required, but similar protocols to Singapore are in place.  Furthermore, in the UK if a school reports more up to 2 Covid cases, they are subject to being shut down.  We are advising schools to agree policies in advance with their operators, including refunds, or limitations to services in the event of a shut down, so parents can understand beforehand what will happen.  Communication between all stakeholders (students, parents, schools, operators )is paramount and should be continuous, as the situation is fluid and can change quickly.  Safety Bus Protocols should be understood by all students and non-compliance dealt with quickly by the school and parents.   We will be announcing a webinar to be held on the 1st September which will review protocols which are in place now as schools have been reopening, and challenges being faced across countries.  Happy to answer any specific questions. 

Linda Howard

Senior Consultant

School Transport Management


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