Education Delivery - COVID-19
Blended / Distance Learning, Technology, Physical Education, etc., are all addressed here.
9 topics in this forum
A Social Distancing Physical Education Activities Pack
by Kevin Lloyd- 0 replies
About This File A social distancing PE pack with activities that can be done while social distancing measures are still in place. To share with colleagues in school to ensure PE can still have a place on the timetable! Developed by Kieran James - Twitter @KJamesPE Social distancing PE activities (1).pdf View full article
Re-booting School Sport
by Kevin Lloyd- 0 replies
INTRODUCTION When schools closed early for Easter in March 2020, no one knew when they would open their doors again. Some felt that they would start as usual in late April, with the tacit expectation that the summer term would look similar to all the years that had preceded it. Within a few weeks, public exams had been abandoned for the year, and it was clear that the term would start substantially later than planned, if at all. Many schools had taken advantage of the Government’s Job Retention Scheme to defray the cost of workers no longer required. The word “furlough” had entered the public vocabulary. The impact upon sport was similarly rapid and dramatic. The…
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About This File Context Introduction: As we move towards the planned wider re-opening of schools and facilities afPE has prepared this document to support the Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (education based) workforce. Each school is different – some have been operating on a reduced pupil basis, in a different way, or the site has been closed completely. We want to stimulate discussion, allow schools to manage their situation as we know and understand that educational contexts are different in terms of the size, age and layout of buildings. Leaders are reminded to always follow Government and employer’s guidelines. The ultimate deci…
COVID-19 Alert Level 3 Guidelines for Physical educators
by Kevin Lloyd- 0 replies
How to use this document: 1. This document has been prepared for a New Zealand context, based on public health guidelines and our NZ Government Alert Levels. If using this for a different country, please adapt accordingly, and follow your own guidelines. 2. Senior leaders, HOD’s, HPE leaders and teachers can engage with these guidelines and ideas. 3. Please note, there are different Ministry of Health Guidelines for Early Childhood Centres (ECC). The nature of an Early Childhood Centre is very different, and therefore all ‘toys’, ‘equipment’, and spacing rules need to be considered and adhered to. As children in ECC’s are moving most of the time, we believe there is…
Recommendations for Physical Education during COVID-19
by Kevin Lloyd- 0 replies
The International School Recovery Forum recently sat together with seven International Schools Physical Education leaders. The purpose was to discuss how to continue Physical Education with the restrictions coming from the COVID-19 Pandemic. The discussion covered available space, time limitations, learning criteria, teacher availability, adapting and communications. This is a summary of their recommendations on how to manage the challenges. Participating schools included: Anglo American School Moscow International School Düsseldorf American School of London Copenhagen International School Sreenidhi International School & Sreenidhi …
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COVID-19 playlist - #physed activities that can be used with distancing/sanitizing measures in place (for full groups, small groups, gym use, etc). Plan ahead for what fall might bring, or use now over summer #education if needed.
Ongoing Academic Delivery during COVID-19
by Kevin Lloyd- 0 replies
As schools reopen, they need to adapt learning to meet new requirements resulting from the ongoing pandemic. Effectively implemented Blended Learning has become a necessity, combining online and classroom learning together with a wide number of parameters to consider. Blended Learning is not going away, and it is not clearly defined, not easily managed and not for everyone. The challenges faced with Blended Learning are from an instructional design, organization, and technical perspective. Some insights to consider when offering Blended Learning from a recent webinar with Dr Matt Harris include: Instructional Design Blended Learning provides the opportuni…
Bringing Virtual Learning to Life
by Greg Varner- 0 replies
Connect. Engage. Motivate. Co-Founders of iGrowco, Annabel Zicker and Joy Marchese, provided an inspiring interactive webinar on their 3 pillars. They demonstrated how to avoid Room or Zoom fatigue through their structured approach to increase learning and retention: connect students at a deeper level maintain personal engagement increase participation in the class “We don’t learn from the neck up. We learn from the feet up.” is a quote that summarizes the inspiration of iGrowco to include physical movement for effective teaching. Annabel and Joy demonstrated this firsthand: kick-off the session with a mental and physical warm-up activi…
What impact will new procedures from health and hygiene have on your approach to providing learning?
by Kevin Lloyd- 1 reply
In some places school children who are at risk of developing a serious illness if they are infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus will be exempt from school operation after providing a medical certificate. The same applies to students who live in a household with members of a risk group. How will your school provide support for these students while quarantined? As planning is important to be prepared, according to a survey by Together School of parents and international school leaders, there is a high expectation that COVID-19 will be a disruption through next school year and potentially beyond. This will require preparation for examining how to manage potentially t…